Thursday, June 26, 2014


Wisconsin is certainly a place filled with color.  From the dairy fields to “the frozen tundra of Lambeau Field” to the autumn leaves changing color and more, there’s no question that when it comes to seasonal colors, Wisconsin in general and Milwaukee in particular is a fantastic place to live.

For all of that, however, once you leave the vibrant downtown scene or the lush countryside for the grey sameness of the suburbs, it’s not unusual to feel just a little bit wistful for some more color in your life and, indeed, in your home.  After all, your home is not just where you live, but a reflection of your achievements and labor over the course of your life.  It’s a place where families grow up together, cheer on the Packers together, celebrate birthdays and holidays together—In short, it’s a colorful place that definitely deserves a splash of color.

That’s why we like to get creative at Urban Creative Concrete and bring a touch of class and color to the homes that we deal with.  A Milwaukee decorative concrete driveway could be just the thing your outdoor décor needs to stand out from the pack.  Again, a lot of driveways the suburbs of the Milwaukee area are a simple, standard grey.  That might work well for some people, but in an age when putting value into your home is more important than ever, you can use every trick in the book that you can find to increase the overall value and look of your home, inside and out.  Putting money into something like a Milwaukee decorative concrete driveway can ensure that the exterior of your home has a fine finish and professional, polished look to it, making it easier to sell.  What’s more, if you’re planning on staying and simply want it help give your homestead a touch of class, our creative team can work with you to transform your driveway into a work of art the likes of which you and your whole family can be proud.

So, how do we do it?

Well, for one thing, we use a concrete coloring process that’s not only innovative, but ensures a fine finished product and long-lasting quality.  Rather than merely dying or painting your driveway, we use a special kind of acid that causes a chemical reaction to occur, the result of which is the natural change in color for different parts of your driveway.  Add to that a per-arranged design and equipment to implement all of this, and you wind up with a finish that’s more like fine marble than concrete and a professionally-created Milwaukee decorative concrete driveway that really does stand out from other paint jobs and surface-level decorations.
With so many other mitigating factors dictating the nature of both the real estate market and the economy in general, it’s nice to be able to have a certain amount of creative and economic control over your home.

Contact us at Urban Creative Concrete and let us help add a dash of color to your home today.

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